Showing posts with label deity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label deity. Show all posts

12 May 2009

What I Believe ... continued

Further to my post of 18 February 2009, "What I Believe", I have considered other people's ideas and am now able to add to my list:
I believe in:
  1. the pre-Christian gods of the British Isles;
  2. genius loci, i.e. spirits of place and/or landscape;
  3. animism, i.e. spirits in plants, animals and some objects scientist might deign inanimate;
    ancestor worship;
  4. an energy, or force that permeates everything, though I am unsure as to its source (it could be the gods, or perhaps they are a part of it, like us);
  5. the effectiveness of magic and/or witchcraft, i.e. the ability of humans to source and utilise that energy and/or force;
  6. the ability to craft magic is unconnected with religious beliefs;
  7. crafting magic is a gift, in the blood, not a skill anyone can harness;
  8. the connectiveness of all, not unlike the heathen Web of Wyrd;
  9. the gods are separate from us, external, not something we project;
  10. (most of) the gods/goddesses are separate individuals and not aspects of just one;
  11. the gods are superior to us in some ways, mostly their ability to wield power/magic/energy;
  12. the gods are fallible, just like us;
  13. there are planes of existence other than this one, and they touch at certain points, even interact, with ours;
  14. it is possible to know the non-human denizens of the Otherworlds, such as the Sidhe and other beings, and that we can communicate with them.
I am sure I will add to this list as time goes on and I read the offerings from other pagans.

23 December 2008

Portable Gods

I've seen some interesting questions recently about the use of imported gods in lands where there is already a native tradition. There was some suggestion that the ideas about gods that can transcend place, be exported or borrowed was wholly Christian.

Throughout history people have taken their gods with them whenever they've travelled. Certainly, the Christians are well known for doing this, but what about the norse gods, who appeared to have travelled far and wide, too? In Iceland they seemed to take a firm grip, and they even influenced some of the natives of England and Scotland.

And what about the acquisition of new gods? Didn't the Romans sometimes adopt the local gods when they travelled to new lands in order to gain favour for their endeavours, even incorporating some into their personal pantheon? And wasn't it the Romans who first equated the Greeks gods with their own? I understood archaeology had borne out examples of similar practices here in the British Isles and throughout the former Roman empire. Is it solely a Christian idea: travelling gods?

So, when the Europeans left for America and the other new worlds, did their gods go with them? Or, were they booted back by the local deities? I just wonder, because there are so many modern pagans in the new worlds working with the gods of their ancestral countries. Are they deluding themselves? Are they working with their ancestral gods or the native ones in disguise? Do the gods really travel? Or are they firmly fixed to the landscape?

There was also some question as to the gods recognising those living in foreign lands, mainly why the gods would even bother to acknowledge the descendants of their people, several generations removed? But, if the gods have travelled to new worlds, surely they would be able to identify the descendants of their homelands through the ancestors, who could guide them to their own? Or, do the gods ignore those who would connect with them away from their natural landscape altogether?

I would be interested to read the thoughts of others on these points. As someone who was born in one of the new worlds, I am not sure I could have connected to my gods except on their home ground.