Showing posts with label change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label change. Show all posts

01 January 2012

Strange Tides

What a strange season it is: The weather, and other natural forces have felt odd in this corner of the land, being very mild, and my free time over the festivities birthed the unexpected. It's hard to explain what has happened or is happening. My plan was to relax and unwind, but I was driven to something else altogether by forces known, familiar, and unknown and unfamiliar.

Something has switched in this tide; and I have started a journey ... to where or what I know not. The why is even less clear. I do know I had a part in calling forth the impetus on solstice night.

Be careful what you wish for.

25 March 2011

Earth Hour 2011

Tomorrow I will be taking part in Earth Hour, an event organised by the World Wide Fund for Nature (otherwise known as the WWF) as a reminder to ourselves, and world leaders that we need to tackle climate change, and our impact on nature urgently.

It started just four years ago in Sydney, but has now grown to a world-wide phenomenon. It's easy to take part, and easy to register. It's a great reminder of just how much we rely on technology we don't need, because you will have fun with the lights off (No! Not necessarily that kind of fun) and the power off. Boardgames by candlelight, storytelling by firesides and so on.

Really, I urge you to take part, let's see what the stars really look like over our cities when the lights go down for an hour. It's not much, even my workplace take part as do a number of usually brightly-lit landmarks.

Go on: register now. Just be sure to click on the right link for your country.

And, enjoy the company of friends by candlight for a hour tomorrow.