29 January 2010

"The Big Questions"

The BBC programme, "The Big Questions" is to debate "Is Paganism more relevant today than Christianity?" this Sunday, 31 January 2010, at 10.00 a.m. on BBC2 in the United Kingdom.

It's a little early in the day for me, but thought it might be of interest to readers of these pages.


Cygnus MacLlyr said...

I can only answer for m'self...

YES. By far.
I'm PAGAN. And the other thing is mindless. I just can't go there...

Slainte, Lady!


the dafthermits (Mel n andy and wee clan) said...

hi my friend

lovely blog and so much to think about

many thanks for popping bye my wee blog

peace and light from the tin can in Scotland