21 May 2008

The Moon

I have always wanted to get a clear picture of the moon. I didn't think it was achievable. However, last night I got out my zoom lenses and made another attempt. This was the result, which isn't too bad considering I didn't have a tripod with me. Of course, this is severely cropped from a much wider shot, but I am still proud of it.

I also spent most of Saturday afternoon photographing wildflowers and I have posted these to my flickr account. I am surprised at some of the results, but I did feel I was getting a little help.

1 comment:

hen said...

What a fantastic picture! I'd love to be able to photograph the moon too but just don't have the kit!

Oh and I just bought a copy of the 'songs of witchcraft'! Your recommendation helped to nudge me to actually get on and buy it!!
