09 November 2007


It seems I have caused rather a stir here at my workplace. So much so, I had a lovely chat this evening with a policeman, the building manager, the post room manager, and four security guards.

Apparently, it has become policy in this building to x-ray all parcels received into the building and, today, the post room got a bit of a shock when they found what appeared to be the butt of a rifle with a telescopic sight and a bow inside a box they received. The box had a label on it addressed to me, so I was summoned to be questioned by the police and the building management.

Of course, when I ordered the crossbow (as it turned out to be) from ebay in the U.S., I didn't think to notify security about the incoming item, because I had overlooked the fact that all my ebay parcels are automatically forwarded to my work address. It was utter stupidity on my part, really. Still, the youngish policeman was cute and, because of my oversight, he was able to brush up on his weapons law.

Still, the whole situation gave much amusement to my colleagues at work, who came up with some very imaginative ideas for the use of my crossbow.

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